Somali Cultural Association

Permanent Somali museum here in Melbourne.
Somali Cultural Association is celebrating 25 years of continues services in Melbourne Victoria – and what a journey it’s been!

  • 5 major cultural exhibitions.
  • 5 Somali Book fair.
  • 8 excursions for children and their parents.
  • Guest speaking functions about the Somali culture at schools and universities.
  • Community connect and information dissemination.
  • Collection of 720 Authentic Somali Artefacts and 540 Books of Somali literature.
  • Large collection of 180 original paintings by Somali Arts
  • Storytelling and substance abuse awareness.
  • Living safe together programme – Somali-speaking youth struggle with issues of identity, unemployment and negative image of some Social media, Continues support and positive information.

We couldn’t have done any of the above projects without the help of Australian main stream supporters and friends – so a big thank you from everyone here at S.C.A. However, it’s not time to relax our belts just yet. There’s still plenty to do. That’s why we’re using our 25th birthday 19/11/2020 to highlight the need for a permanent Somali museum here in Melbourne.

  • Common place to gather and visit for all Somali Australian Culture, costumes and artefacts.
  • Common place to educate our second-generation Somali Australians about their history, culture and languages
  • Place to welcome all Australians and tourist visitors interested to know more about Somali-Australians, their early journeys, the first pioneers and their culture (poems &music)

SCA is anxious to continue and intensify the preservation of the Somali Australian community’s historical and cultural heritage, which constitutes the third major objective of Somali Cultural

Association’s five-year plan of significant projects.

Empowering in particular, young people to learn about their identity and understand their cultural history can assist with raising awareness and education of living in harmony with different communities.

Special thanks to:

  • Members, volunteers and supporters
  • Cultural Artefacts Donors & Somali arts. Book-Donor and Somali Art-lovers
  • Somali Cultural Association Inc.

Without your loyal support, we couldn’t plan to build a permanent museum for Somali Arts. That’s why we promise to uphold the highest ethical standards. SCA Australia is committed to use all donations for the projects assigned and building a museum for the culture and values. Right now we’re working harder than ever to ensure a museum for community